The Interfaith Alliance on Poverty
We are congregations who work to alleviate poverty in the Portland region.
With our neighbors, we act for positive change, and work to offer justice and hope for all.
Join us every First Thursday to learn more:
Fourteen faith communities currently carry out our mission as members of the Interfaith Alliance. These include:
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
Augustana Lutheran Church
Central Lutheran Church
Congregation Beth Israel
First Unitarian Portland
Fremont United Methodist Church
Genesis Community Fellowship
Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
Havurah Shalom
Rose City Park Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Catholic Parish
The Madeleine Catholic Parish
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Wy'east Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Partners and Friends of the Interfaith Alliance:
Compassionate Change District
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
League of Women Voters of Portland
Living Cully
Multnomah County Library
Muslim Educational Trust
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
Oak Leaf Mobile Home Park
Oregon Coalition of Christian Voices
Oregon Housing Alliance
Oregon Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice
Portland African American Leadership Forum
Portland Central Nazarene Church – Agape Village
St. Vincent de Paul of Lane Country
Transitions Projects:
We partner with community action organizations, nonprofits and faith groups intent on doing good work among the suffering. Through our faith and actions, we believe we can move mountains even if it’s only an inch at a time.
our manifesto
We have a calling to empower every brother and sister in our community facing hardship and hopelessness. We walk together as an alliance of interfaith communities because we believe doing things together is better than doing them alone. We lead with our hearts and open our minds to understand the causes of poverty and the challenges of escaping it. We work hand-in-hand with families living in poverty by encouraging and supporting them as they move to stability. We boldly advocate for systemic change to help eliminate the root causes of poverty. We know the road is long but we believe as Martin Luther King, Jr. did when he said, “faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase."