As members and friends of the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty, you have an important role this October that you can fulfill from the comfort of your home.
With the local fall campaign season in full swing, the Goal of the Alliance this October is to ensure that improving quality public education in Oregon for ALL students is included as a major commitment for all who are running for state or local elected positions.
At the Sept. First Thursday meeting of the Interfaith Alliance, the attendees endorsed a report from an Alliance Work Group that recommends that the Alliance continue a focus on the intersectionality of poverty and education. (include link to the report).
While the Alliance does not endorse political candidates, we DO advocate on behalf of important issues related to our mission. With this fall political season, there are steps that members and friends can take right now related to this issue.
In terms of improving Oregon public education for ALL, the races this fall that have the primary responsibility for achieving such a goal are the races for Governor and our local state legislators.
We ask that in the coming weeks, you look for different opportunities to ask key questions that shine light on this important need. In the midst of intense campaigns (with a lot attention going to homelessness, climate change, etc) such action will help ensure that quality, effective education for our children will not be forgotten about.
There are four primary ways to make a difference:
1) Watch for invitations to political coffees for candidates and show up (in person the best or by Zoom) to ask key questions.
2) Watch for invitations for forums (such as City Club) that invite various candidates and submit questions.
3) Submit questions, concerns by email to the various candidates directly- usually through their web sites
4) Talk to your neighbors and others about this issue…create a buzz!!
(As you will see below- a key word is “specific” as in “could you let me know what are specific examples of what you would do…”)
WITH GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES (Oregon Governor is the Superintendent of Education for the State and oversees the State Dept. of Education)
1) While Oregon’s HS graduation rate has increased a bit, there are challenges that negatively affect the education achievement of our children. What do you specifically plan to do to increase the achievement of ALL our students statewide?
2) What do you see as the specific role of the governor in ensuring the implementation of the important Student Success Act, passed in 2019?
3) According to the National Assessment of Education Progress in 2019, only 34% of 4th grade students in Oregon met standards for proficient or advanced levels in reading. What specific changes, such as increased instructional time, would you support to improve greater student achievement? As Governor, how would you ensure that such changes were achieved across out state?
1. As an elected Legislator, what do see as your specific role in ensuring the Student Success Act is implemented as planned across Oregon?
2. What needs to happen to have the Governor, Legislature and Dept of Ed all working together to improve education across our state? What would be your role in making that happen?
Ballotpedia: Https://www.Ballotpedia.org/Oregon gives us information about people who are running for various offices and about the ballot measures that we will be voting on in November.
Stand for children: https://stand.org/oregon/
Foundations for a Better Oregon: https://www.betteroregon.org/
The Children’s’ Institute: https://childinst.org/